Site icon Marina Garden Hotel

Covid-19 Update

Today more than ever, your well-being is particularly important to us.

We have implemented the carefulness to sanitization of all the areas and all the staff has been trained according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidelines.

Staff training
Your prevention starts from our staff: all the staff has been trained in relation to the new procedures and service standards required.
Specific personal protective equipment has been provided for hotel staff.

Cleaning and routine sanitation of the rooms
For the room cleanliness, we are using disinfectants recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and World Health Organization.
In its everyday cleaning, disinfectants recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and World Health are used.
The company has added to its already rigorous cleaning protocols, new specific cleanliness and sanitizing measures.
At each departure, after the traditional cleaning with disinfectants products, the rooms are sanitized with Ozone, removing the microbial load from surfaces and in the air.

Sanitation of common areas
All the common areas of the hotel are sanitized several times a day with specific equipment.
The areas have been reorganized to ensure social distancing and an adequate level of security.
Numerous hand sanitizer gel dispensers in all common areas are available.

New food & beverage service solutions
The spaces and flows of entry and exit from the breakfast room has also been completely revised on the basis of the rules of social distancing: the room has adapted its capacity and is available in different time slots to meet any needs of our guests.

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